Artwork > Ocean Womb

Venus Walks on Pearls II
print, paint, tulle, faux pearls, crystals, magnets
13 ft. x 69 ft. Click image to see video of installation

In the fall of 2022 I was invited to create a new installation in response to an historic building at the Künstlerloge in Ratingen, Germany. Rooted in mythology and fiction, the resulting artwork entitled, Venus Walks on Pearls, revealed new avenues for me as an artist and led to the genesis of two new installations inclluding this one. To create "Venus Walks on Pearls", I laid pearls from my mother on a tiny section of a print of Peter Paul Rubens’s 1622 painting, “Portrait of Marie de Medici”. For me this section of this unfinished painting suggested something immense and celestial, not unlike the power and space that goddesses and queens have held in the imaginations of girls and women throughout time.